--[[ Noindex: true ]] local sws = reaper.APIExists("CF_GetClipboardBig") if sws then --OS INFO platform = reaper.GetOS() if platform == "OSX64" or platform == "OSX32" or platform == "OSX" or platform == "Other" or platform == "macOS-arm64" then separator = [[/]] else separator = [[\]] --win end local info = debug.getinfo(1,'S'); script_path = info.source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]] bin="x64" if platform == "Win32" or platform == "OSX32" then bin="x86" end luac = "53" if string.sub(reaper.GetAppVersion(),1,1) == "7" then luac = "54" end --USER SETTINGS --[[ Cluster Varaint 1: Label items are excluded from calculation Pros: Blocks can be directly on top of each other Cons: Editing unpacked blocks can lead to larger number of small blocks when repacked Cluster Variant 2: Label items are included in calculation Pros: labels are like anchors for clusters, allows greater editing flexibility Cons: Blocks cannot be layered on top of each other ]] cluster_variant = 1 wrap_unwrap_dll = script_path..[[Data]]..separator..luac..separator..bin..separator..[[lkc_renderblocks_pack_unpack.dll]] dofile(script_path..[[Data]]..separator..luac..separator..bin..separator..[[lkc_renderblocks_pack_clusters.dll]]) monkey_prefix = true dofile(script_path..[[Data]]..separator..luac..separator..bin..separator..[[lkc_renderblocks_name_editor.dll]]) else reaper.ShowMessageBox("Please install SWS Extension version 2.9.7 or higher from:\nhttps://sws-extension.org/", "NO SWS FOUND", 0) end